Around the world— from the straits of Magellan to the straits of Malacca, from the Nile Delta to the Amazon basin, in Jaipur and Johannesburg—
Poverty leads to crime, to lowered general prosperity, to higher municipal costs and a lower tax base; and where it causes early school dropouts, broken families, and the shattering loss of hope itself, poverty is self-perpetuating and self-gene
Guns and bombs cannot build— cannot fill empty stomachs or educate children, cannot build homes or heal the sick. But these are the ends for which men establish and obey government; they will give their allegiance only to governments which meet these needs.
We must clean up the streams and lakes. In addition to obvious reasons of health and recreation for doing so, the fact is that this is the most economical way to get at significant sources of water. The Hudson River pours 20 billion gallons a day into the Atlantic, all of which is too polluted…
There is a new world about us— beset by hunger, energized by revolution, largely controlled by that half of the world’s people who are under the age of 25.
We must help our needy at home— yet we must also know the plight of the needy beyond our shores.
We are finding that it is not enough to say that justice should be done—or even to pass laws commanding that justice be done. Laws and speeches do not build scho
We cannot protect only our friends from nuclear attack—or allow nations with whom we are otherwise friendly to threaten others with nuclear weapons. We must stand against nuclear aggression—period.
We were the first to discover and use the atom’s secrets; our nuclear capability is still the most powerful among the nations of the earth.
The need to halt the spread of nuclear weapons must be a central priority of American policy. Of all our major interests, this now deserves and demands the greatest effort.
If we are to leave our children a planet on which to live safely, to fulfill the bright promise of their lives, we must resume the journey towards peace.
Parties are instruments of government. They are the vehicle by which the people achieve their aims. What good are elections, if the party they elect disintegrates when the time comes to fulfill campaign promises?