We were the first to discover and use the atom’s secrets; our nuclear capability is still the most powerful among the nations of the earth. The greatest power brings the greatest responsibility—a responsibility, in my judgment, to engage in a total effort to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, an effort that should pervade every aspect of our foreign policy. If we have a decision to make, we must ask ourselves: what effect will this have on the spread of nuclear weapons? If we have an asset with which to bargain, we must ask ourselves: in what way can this asset be used to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons? For prevention of nuclear spread is a matter of political action on a grand scale—an effort to turn the world community away from nuclear war, away from ultimate weapons as guarantors of security and prestige. We will need to reach an agreement on a treaty to prevent nuclear spread. We will need to make that treaty more than a scrap of paper—to persuade other nations that it is in their direct interest to accede to and abide by it—to abstain from nuclear weapons development . . . . We will need to extend the limited test-ban treaty to underground tests. And we will need to enlist the help of the United Nations, and all other nations—including Communist China—in the effort to prevent nuclear catastrophe.
Senate Speech
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