Today’s problems of intolerance are harder than yesterday’s; tomorrow’s will be harder still.
Justice, dignity, equality — These are words which are often used loosely with little appreciation of their meaning. I think that their meaning can be distilled into one goal: that every child in this country live as we would want our own children to live.
Of course, unilateral action is easier than collective action; but we are much stronger when we act in concert with the rest of the hemisphere than when we act alone; and consultation is the price you must pay for the extra strength our alliances give us
It is a source of anguish to many of our own citizens with relatives abroad . . . Under the law, an American citizen born in one country can get a maid or gardener overnight from another country but must wait a year or more to be reunited with his mother.
There have always been extremists of both the left and the right in our country. There probably will always be. But if responsible and progressive elements can meet the needs of our people they will remain on the fringe.
Justice is land for those who live by farming—and all the world has seen that free farmers on their own land are the surest means to an abundant agriculture. Justice is a decent education for every child
he Democratic Party has had many causes, and called them by many names: the New Freedom of Wilson; the New Deal of Roosevelt; the Fair Deal of Truman; the New Frontier; the Great Society. But all of these programs have had at their heart an active commitment to individual liberty and individual freedom.
And as long as America must choose, that long will there be a need and a place for the Democratic Party.
The right to criticize carries with it a responsibility— to study the facts, to be fully informed . . .
Some 75 percent of those addicted to heroin come from the 20 percent of society with the lowest incomes. Until there are enough jobs to go around, until everyone has a decent home and a decent education, until we have uniformly stable and secure family structures—in short, until the world is a much better place…
We know that crime reaches its peak in the summer months, when young people are out of school and too often out of work as well. A summer job
Criticism is a characteristic of a committed population. But to be responsible and constructive, it must be accompanied by continued participation, by careful examination of the facts, and by consideration of the rights of others to speak