Tags Share Writing in the New York Daily News, our president Kerry Kennedy highlights recent attempts to stop vulnerable New York farm workers from organizing. Apple and vegetable workers at five upstate companies recently voted to be represented by the United Farm Workers, a union founded by Cesar Chavez with support from Kerry’s father Robert…
Our great companies operate in every state in the union. Their manufacturing operations are often spread over dozens of states; they buy their materials and sell their products every
Properly used technology should not displace workers, but should speed them on their way to new jobs more quickly
Have you ever told a coal miner in West Virginia or Kentucky that what he needs is individual initiative to go out and get a job where there isn’t any?
National Safety Council accident statistics show clearly that miners and mill workers are more likely to be seriously injured or killed than workers in almost any other industry
The job of providing constructive and challenging opportunities for young people throughout the nation is every citizen’s business.
When we talk about birthright we talk about the right of opportunity, the right of opportunity to succeed or fail on individual talents unfettered by man-made barriers. That is what gives a man his dignity.
Almost every man now working in the United States will have to change jobs, perhaps two or three times, and his lifetime. That will require new education for all our people—for those who could not complete college in the past, and even those who did.
We know that crime reaches its peak in the summer months, when young people are out of school and too often out of work as well. A summer job
Time and time again the American people, facing danger and seemingly insurmountable odds, have mobilized the ingenuity, resourcefulness, strength and bravery to meet the situation and triumph. In this long and critical struggle, the American system of free enterprise must be our major weapon. We must continue to prove to the world that we can…
The wondrous production machine which has made us richer, as we count, than any people in history, within which we all find sustenance and support is a business economy—which is to say, that most Americans are engaged in some form of business
Our enemies assert that capitalism enslaves the worker and will destroy itself. It is our national faith that the system of competitive enterprise offers the best hope for individual freedom, social development and economic growth.