
Statement Before the United States Senate

February 8, 1966


Washington, D.C.

Our great companies operate in every state in the union. Their manufacturing operations are often spread over dozens of states; they buy their materials and sell their products everywhere. The unions which represent their employees are also national in scope. For such a national economy to operate efficiently and with a minimum of discord, it is necessary that the laws affecting collective bargaining and union organization not differ from state-to-state. Lack of uniformity encourages states to compete with others for industry by making union organization more difficult. Even a senator from New York, which has lost large amounts of industry to other states in recent years, cannot criticize the efforts of less-developed states to attract industry and the new payrolls it brings. But that competition should not be fought out at the expense of American workers, or of their rights to bargain freely on the terms and conditions of employment— including the union shop.