Tags Share The events of the last few weeks have demonstrated anew the truth of Lord Halifax’s dictum that although hope “is a very good company by the way…[it] is generally a wrong guide.” Our enemy, savagely striking at will across all of South Vietnam, has finally shattered the mask of official illusion with which…
Tags Share Mr. President, I vote for this resolution because our fighting forces in Vietnam and elsewhere deserve the unstinting support of the American government and the American people. I do so in the understanding that, as Senator [John] Stennis [Mississippi] said yesterday: “It is not a blank check…If [the president] substantially enlarges or changes…
Tags Share The year 1492 symbolizes the three parts of the American experience: our past conquests, our present dangers, and the most spacious of our future hopes. At the same moment that men were flaunting danger to master a primitive continent, the civilization of the world was reaching one of its greatest moments. In the…
Tags Share I have been in your country only a short time; yet you already have made a strong and deep impression…Everywhere I have been impressed with the warmth and the interest of all of the people of South Africa, of all political persuasions and races. Everywhere I have been impressed by your achievements, the…
Tags Share I rise today to urge action on the most vital issue now facing this nation and the world. This issue is not in the headlines. It is not Vietnam, or the Dominican Republic, or Berlin. It is the question of nuclear proliferation—of the mounting threat posed by the spread of nuclear weapons… Nuclear…
Tags Share I am grateful for the opportunity to testify on a matter of deep national interest. Regulation of the sale of firearms is, in my judgment, essential for the safety and welfare of the American people. Every year, thousands of Americans are killed by firearms…The great majority of these deaths and crimes would not…
Tags Share On a trip to Latin America last year, I saw people in Recife, in the poorest part of Brazil, who ate crabs which lived off the garbage that the people themselves threw in the shallow water near their shabby homes. And whenever I tell this story to Americans, the reaction is: How sad,…
Tags Share Even as the drive toward bigness [and] concentration…has reached heights never before dreamt of in the past, we have come suddenly to realize how heavy a price we have paid; in overcrowding and pollution of the atmosphere, and impersonality; in growth of organizations, particularly government, so large and powerful that individual effort and…
Tags Share We stand at a new crossroads to an uncertain future. The way ahead is not charted. We know only that it will be full of difficulty and danger. It may seem strange to talk now of new crossroads and new turnings. We are, after all, in the midst of the longest period of…
Tags Share This is a historic occasion. We have come here out of respect for one of the heroic figures of our time—Cesar Chavez. But I also come here to congratulate all of you, you who are locked with Cesar in the struggle for justice for the farm worker, and the struggle for justice for…
Tags Share Long ago it was written that “to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Now we approach the season which, in every year, we mark our higher purpose and our common humanity. In this year, this season is also a time to pause and a time…
Tags Share If men do not build,” asks the poet, “how shall they live?” That [is the] first question millions of men and women all over America ask themselves—ask us—every day; every day of idleness, every “day that follows day, with death the only goal.” That is the question, indeed, of life in the American…