Tags Share In 1989, during the Guatemalan Civil War, four courageous human rights defenders were arbitrarily detained and disappeared by the Guatemalan Army because of their work to liberate Indigenous peoples forcibly conscripted into military service. The whereabouts of Agapito Pérez Lucas, Nicolás Mateo, Macario Pú Chivalán, and Luis Ruiz Luis remain unknown, causing tremendous…
Tags Share Solitary persists in Washington prisons despite promises to end it In 2021, the Washington Department of Corrections pledged to end the use of solitary confinement as punishment, but a 400-page report based on an independent investigation finds otherwise. The report states that solitary is still widely used for administrative purposes, finding that over…
Tags Share Washington. DC. RFK Human Rights denuncia la detención arbitraria de Kennedy Tejeda en Venezuela, un dedicado defensor de los derechos humanos y miembro del equipo legal de Foro Penal. Kennedy Tejeda fue visto por última vez en la mañana del 2 de agosto de 2024, cuando visitó el Comando Rural de Montalbán, un…
Tags Share Washington. DC. RFK Human Rights denounces the arbitrary detention of Kennedy Tejeda in Venezuela, a dedicated human rights defender and member of the Foro Penal legal team. Kennedy Tejeda was last seen in the morning of August 2, 2024, when he visited the Comando Rural de Montalbán, a detention center in Carabobo state,…
Tags Share Venezuela is wracked with protests and election uncertainty. Here’s what to know Criticism is mounting against Venezuela’s authoritarian leader Nicolás Maduro after deadly protests erupted across the country following its disputed presidential election. Venezuela’s opposition and multiple Latin American leaders have refused to recognize Maduro’s victory in the July 28 vote, which was announced…
Tags Share In the context of the protests in Venezuela, international organizations condemn the high levels of violence and repression and demand that the authorities guarantee the right to protest and full respect for the rights to life, personal integrity and freedom. We, the undersigned organizations, demand respect for and guarantee of the right to…
Tags Share En el marco de las protestas en el contexto post-electoral en Venezuela y ante el uso desproporcionado de la fuerza que se ha documentado por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad venezolanas, las organizaciones firmantes exigimos respeto y garantía del derecho a la libertad de expresión, reunión y protesta pacífica. Hacemos un llamado…
Tags Share Nine signatory international organizations condemn the lack of transparency in the announced results of Venezuela’s July 28 presidential elections. This lack of clarity raises serious questions about the fairness and integrity of the election, leading to widespread doubts about the credibility of the claim that Venezuelans awarded Nicolás Maduro a third presidential term.…
Tags Share Young People Under Arrest Need Legal Protection The interrogation room is cramped and windowless. The police officer sitting across from the teenager and his mother begins to read the teen his Miranda rights. The words flow easily, familiar to anyone who has ever watched a police TV drama: “You have the right to remain silent.” …
Tags Share 25 de julio de 2024, Washington, DC. Este domingo 28 de julio, Venezuela se enfrenta a un momento decisivo con la realización de elecciones presidenciales que determinarán su futuro político, económico y social. RFK Human Rights se une a las voces de organizaciones locales e internacionales para exigir el respeto a los derechos…
Tags Share July 25, 2024, Washington, DC. This Sunday, July 28, Venezuela faces a decisive moment with the holding of presidential elections that will determine its political, economic, and social future. RFK Human Rights joins the voices of local and international organizations to demand respect for human rights and the guarantee of civic space throughout…
Tags Share Three out five young activists face online harassment globally for posting human rights content Three out of five child and young human rights defenders face online harassment in connection with their activism, according to a new analysis of 400 responses to an Amnesty International questionnaire, distributed to young activists across 59 countries. More than…