Education about, through, and for human rights

Does your school ensure all staff and educators understand human rights?

We build educator capacity in human rights education via in-person and virtual trainings and resource development for educators all over the world so that educators can learn how to integrate human rights in their practice.

Does your school and its staff operate in a way that respects the rights and dignity of all staff members?

Our work embeds Social-Emotional Learning strategically into the entire framework of human rights education and all resources and trainings.

Do staff create opportunities for students to take action, and do they also participate in them with students?

We guide educators on how to take mindful action via community organizing and advocacy trainings and workshops, all aligned to uphold the UDHR and achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

1.2 million

students impacted by our lesson plans


teachers trained

5,000 entries

to our annual Speak Truth to Power Video Contest

60,000 students reached

by our video contest

Speak Truth to Power brings human rights education to life in the classroom with engaging, standards-aligned, digital resources that fit easily into your existing lesson plans. Hear from human rights defenders in their own words and engage with accompanying core curriculum-aligned activities.

By embodying the stories of human rights defenders through theatrical monologues, students learn empathy, research and editing skills, interview techniques, and performance confidence. Engage your students and empower them to take action through theater.

Engage students by putting them in direct conversation with human rights defenders from around the globe during our virtual speaker series events. Our film series allows students the opportunity to view human rights themed films and participate in panel discussions with the directors and members of the cast. Preparatory lesson plans and community action ideas are available for film and speaker series events.

Our teacher-developed lesson plans have been used in 18 countries and are available in eight languages: Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Khmer, Norwegian, Romanian, and Swedish.

By researching, writing, and performing human rights defender monologues, students at the Piney Woods school did more than simply tell a powerful story — they sought to honor the defenders through the stories and use them to inspire others. The result was a moving performance featuring monologues interspersed with singing by the school’s Cotton Blossom Singers and dancing, all showcasing the school’s diverse student body.

According to a recent poll, 50% of students say they are not engaged in what they are learning and 80% of educators are worried about students’ lack of engagement. Theater work, like the recent theater workshop in Sonora, Mexico, can increase student engagement and empower them to become human rights defenders.

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