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The Guardian: Honduran State Responsible for Trans Woman’s Murder

In a landmark ruling for the LGBTQ+ community, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared the state of Honduras responsible for the murder of trans activist Vicky Hernández. The decision comes after years of litigation work by RFK Human Rights and Red Lésbica Cattrachas, and will force the state to pay reparations to Vicky’s family and implement a sweeping range of measures designed to protect trans people, including anti-discrimination training for security forces and state collection of data on violence against LGBTQ+ people.

While transphobia in Latin America remains pervasive and deadly, with trans women in the region only having a life expectancy of around 35 years, RFK Human Rights’ Angelita Baeyens, one of the lead litigators on the case, tells The Guardian that the Court’s decision brings hope for change.

Read the full article here.

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