The young throughout the world will not wait for our concern.
Under conditions of turbulence, social and political change, the young are often directly involved not in learning history in the classroom, but in making history themselves.
I feel we can approach the young people of the world with strength and with confidence.
Opportunity denied or opportunity delayed—often one and the same—is not a question of color. One-tenth of our population is Negro. But a much larger portion of our total population, closer to one-fifth, is poor.
It is necessary to mistrust personal power enough to provide for some restraints upon its use. This is the idea of political competition that underlies everything else in the American political system and the Constitution. Do not deprive a man of his capacity to act. Just be sure that he in turn is willing to…
Have you ever told a coal miner in West Virginia or Kentucky that what he needs is individual initiative to go out and get a job where there isn’t any?
A century ago Lincoln observed that the dogmas of the quiet past were inadequate to the stormy present. “As our case is new,” he said, “so we must think anew and act anew.
With the irony of a paradoxical world, the surest guarantee of peace at present is the power to wage war. The United States has that power. It comes from our programs of strength and deterrence.
We are all aware of, and delighted by, the success of the Peace Corps. The men and women who have served in it have brought to peoples around the world, in remote mountain villages and in bustling industrial cities, the true picture of the American of the sixties. It has been their spirit, their idealism,…
Of some 400,000 domestic migratory workers, 92,000 could find work for less than 25 days in 1960. The remainder, who’d worked more than 25 days, earned an average of $1,000 for the year.
Everywhere we look, we find irrefutable evidence that the Negroes in America have yet to be given full citizenship, and we find increasing evidence, too, that they are no longer willing to tolerate the burdens we have imposed on them.
The job of providing constructive and challenging opportunities for young people throughout the nation is every citizen’s business.