The young throughout the world will not wait for our concern.
Under conditions of turbulence, social and political change, the young are often directly involved not in learning history in the classroom, but in making history themselves.
Here in America today, perhaps the clearest mirror of our performance, the truest measure of whether we live up to our ideals, is our youth.
More and more of our children are estranged, alienated in the literal sense, almost unreachable by the familiar premises and arguments of our adult world. And the task of leadership, the first task of concerned people is not to condemn or castigate or deplore
I feel we can approach the young people of the world with strength and with confidence.
The Constitution of the United States, in a few thousand words, established a way of life that has built this Nation into greatness as the world’s leader and champion of freedom.
Now as always, when the Constitution is too narrowly interpreted on a word-for-word basis, it can too easily become a crutch for reaction, a reactionalization, an excuse for maintaining the status quo.
The wondrous production machine which has made us richer, as we count, than any people in history, within which we all find sustenance and support is a business economy—which is to say, that most Americans are engaged in some form of business
The signers of the Constitution, for all their foresight, couldn’t have dreamed of the America we live in today. The remarkable thing is that their work is as alive and as meaningful for us as it was for them—and as it will be for our grandchildren.
Tags Share When a hundred student body presidents and editors of college newspapers; hundreds of former Peace Corps volunteers; dozens of present Rhodes scholars—when these, the flower of our youth, question the basic premises of the war, they should not and cannot be ignored. Among these protesters, most will serve, if called upon, with courage…