Tags Share RFK Human Rights condemns the vicious assault and summary conviction of human rights lawyer Eron Kiiza by a military court martial in Uganda. Mr. Kiiza, who represents opposition leader and former presidential candidate Dr. Kizza Besigye in a politically motivated case before the court-martial, was sentenced to 9 months in prison for contempt…
Tags Share Las organizaciones firmantes vemos con preocupación la falta de respuesta por parte de la Cámara de Amparo y Antejuicio de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, al amparo presentado por la defensa del destacado periodista José Rubén Zamora del 15 de noviembre de 2024, para evitar su regreso a la prisión. En una audiencia…
Tags Share Las organizaciones firmantes expresamos nuestra profunda preocupación por la seguridad y otros derechos básicos de los seis miembros del partido de oposición Vente Venezuela que han solicitado asilo en la embajada de Argentina en Caracas, así como por el empleado de la embajada que ha sido detenido arbitrariamente. La comunidad internacional debe instar…
Tags Share We, the undersigned organizations, express our grave concern for the safety and other basic rights of the six members of the opposition party Vente Venezuela who have sought asylum in the Argentinian embassy in Caracas, as well as for the employee of the embassy who has been arbitrarily detained. The international community should…
Tags Share A recent civil rights complaint alleges abuse and neglect at a Florida immigration detention center. A woman detained in a facility with a long history of allegations of mistreatment, identified only as Ana in the report, detailed extensive mental and sexual abuse. “Ana came to Baker vulnerable and in need, and officers responded…
Tags Share The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), along with 33 rights and press freedom organizations, condemns the recent arrests and enforced disappearance of four Egyptian journalists – Ashraf Omar, Khaled Mamdouh, Ramadan Gouida, and Yasser Abu Al-Ela – and calls for their immediate release. The undersigned also call on Egyptian authorities to drop all…
Tags Share Right to vote upheld in Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights and Institute for Human Rights in Africa (for the people of Ethiopia) v. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. RFK Human Rights and the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) welcome the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights’s (the…
Tags Share Washington. DC. RFK Human Rights denuncia la detención arbitraria de Kennedy Tejeda en Venezuela, un dedicado defensor de los derechos humanos y miembro del equipo legal de Foro Penal. Kennedy Tejeda fue visto por última vez en la mañana del 2 de agosto de 2024, cuando visitó el Comando Rural de Montalbán, un…
Tags Share Washington. DC. RFK Human Rights denounces the arbitrary detention of Kennedy Tejeda in Venezuela, a dedicated human rights defender and member of the Foro Penal legal team. Kennedy Tejeda was last seen in the morning of August 2, 2024, when he visited the Comando Rural de Montalbán, a detention center in Carabobo state,…
Tags Share Nine signatory international organizations condemn the lack of transparency in the announced results of Venezuela’s July 28 presidential elections. This lack of clarity raises serious questions about the fairness and integrity of the election, leading to widespread doubts about the credibility of the claim that Venezuelans awarded Nicolás Maduro a third presidential term.…
Tags Share El pasado 8 de julio, junto con otras 24 organizaciones de la sociedad civil a nivel internacional, asistimos a la audiencia regional ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) para llamar la atención sobre la implementación de estrategias gubernamentales que amenazan y limitan el ejercicio de los derechos fundamentales de libertad de…
Tags Share The climate emergency is the defining crisis of our time. No corner of the globe is immune from the devastating consequences of climate change. Global warming is fueling environmental degradation, natural disasters, food and water insecurity, extreme weather events, rising sea levels, droughts, the spread of disease, land grabbing, displacement, and conflict. These…