Tags Share Urge una rendición de cuentas internacional en medio de la intensificación de la represión postelectoral El Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas debe renovar el mandato de la Misión Internacional Independiente de Determinación de los Hechos sobre Venezuela, afirmaron hoy 30organizaciones nacionales e internacionales que defienden los derechos humanos en Venezuela.…
Tags Share International Accountability Urgently Needed Amid Intensifying Post-Election Repression The United Nations Human Rights Council should renew the mandate of its Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela, 30 national and international organizations defending human rights in Venezuela said today. The Mission can play a key role in pushing for accountability and maintaining international scrutiny…
Tags Share Uganda: 72 arrests in August alone as authorities continue to crack down on human rights defenders opposing oil development projects Ugandan authorities have once again intensified their repression of activists protesting the oil mega-projects that are being developed in the country’s Lake Albert region. The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) has documented…
Tags Share Abuse of migrants rampant at Louisiana Ice centers, report finds Abuse of thousands of migrants at federal immigration detention centers in Louisiana is rampant, inhumane and meets the legal definition of torture, according to a report published on Monday by a coalition of human rights groups. Accusations include the shackling of detainees for lengthy periods in painful…
Tags Share RFK Human Rights welcomes the release of Mahmoud Hussein, ‘the T-Shirt detainee,’ from arbitrary detention in Egypt. We call on the Egyptian authorities to take all necessary measures to investigate the violations of Mahmoud’s rights and guarantee the full enjoyment of his rights going forward, including the right to compensation. Since January 25,…
Tags Share In the past few months, RFK Human Rights has closely monitored protests in several countries around the world, all of which have been violently repressed by state authorities. In Uganda, the protests were sparked by allegations of corruption against government officials, including the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The demonstrations in Kenya…
Tags Share Washington. DC. RFK Human Rights denuncia la detención arbitraria de Kennedy Tejeda en Venezuela, un dedicado defensor de los derechos humanos y miembro del equipo legal de Foro Penal. Kennedy Tejeda fue visto por última vez en la mañana del 2 de agosto de 2024, cuando visitó el Comando Rural de Montalbán, un…
Tags Share Washington. DC. RFK Human Rights denounces the arbitrary detention of Kennedy Tejeda in Venezuela, a dedicated human rights defender and member of the Foro Penal legal team. Kennedy Tejeda was last seen in the morning of August 2, 2024, when he visited the Comando Rural de Montalbán, a detention center in Carabobo state,…
Tags Share [Tegucigalpa / Washington DC., August 2, 2024] On July 26, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights referred the case of Leonela Zelaya v. Honduras to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IA Court). This case concerns the transfemicide of Leonela in Honduras and is being represented Red Lésbica Cattrachas and Robert F. Kennedy…
Tags Share [Tegucigalpa / Washington DC., 2 de agosto de 2024] El pasado 26 de julio, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sometió el caso de Leonela Zelaya contra Honduras a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH). Este caso se refiere al transfemicidio de Leonela en Honduras y está siendo representado por…
Tags Share In the context of the protests in Venezuela, international organizations condemn the high levels of violence and repression and demand that the authorities guarantee the right to protest and full respect for the rights to life, personal integrity and freedom. We, the undersigned organizations, demand respect for and guarantee of the right to…
Tags Share En el marco de las protestas en el contexto post-electoral en Venezuela y ante el uso desproporcionado de la fuerza que se ha documentado por parte de las fuerzas de seguridad venezolanas, las organizaciones firmantes exigimos respeto y garantía del derecho a la libertad de expresión, reunión y protesta pacífica. Hacemos un llamado…