
Statement at the Federal Water Pollution Control Enforcement Conference for Moriches and Great South Bays Long Island, New York

September 21, 1966


Long Island, NY

As families move out of our cities into attractive towns and villages, they bring with them requirements that these small communities have not faced in the past. New highways, homes, schools and stores must be constructed to serve these growing communities. And special community facilities such as sewers, sewage treatment plants, and power lines must be constructed. For without these facilities, the seeds of blight blossom into decay as these communities grow older. If we do not demand the municipal planning that predicts our sewage treatment needs; if we do not demand the zoning laws and bond issues that guarantee that new homes and new industries do not dump raw wastes into local rivers and bays, we will spoil the land that we settle. Unfortunately, this has all too often been our pattern of suburban development.