Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights condemns the arbitrary arrest and detention of Freddy Guevara, a member of the Voluntad Popular political party in Venezuela. He was arrested on July 12 on a highway in Caracas, as captured in a live broadcast from his car, on trumped up terrorism and treason charges. His whereabouts remain unknown, a tactic that has often been used by the Venezuelan regime in its political repression.
The arbitrary detention occurred at the same time as unidentified armed men threatened and surrounded political leader Juan Guaidó in the basement of his home.
These acts are the latest in a wave of detentions and other forms of intimidation and persecution against political leaders, human rights defenders, journalists, and humanitarian actors that criticize or oppose Nicolás Maduro’s regime in Venezuela.
As Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights continues to monitor the human rights situation in Venezuela, we call on Maduro’s regime to immediately release Guevara and all other political prisoners in the country.
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