
Wilson Rowe

Georgetown Pinto Summer Associate

Wilson Rowe is a Georgetown Pinto Summer Associate.

Wilson is a rising 3L at Georgetown University Law Center, where he is a Global Law Scholar. His 3L year will be spent at Sciences Po in Paris, where he will obtain a Master’s in Global Economic Law. He participated in Georgetown’s Human Rights Institute practicum during his 2L year and spent his 1L summer working with Orleans Public Defenders in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Prior to law school, Wilson attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he majored in Global Studies and Peace, War, and Defense. Following graduation, he spent a year teaching English in France as part of the Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) before matriculating into law school.

Will is interested in civic space issues, transitional justice, economic justice, and arbitrary detention, particularly in the Europe, Africa, and Middle East regions.