Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Abdallah knows hard work, from the hours he spent farming his family’s land in order to obtain his medical degree to the hours he spends daily serving the throngs of people who appear on his doorstep seeking medical assistance.
As a physician and Professor of Medicine at el-Fasher University in Darfur, Sudan, Dr. Mohammed specializes in the treatment of survivors of torture and sexual violence.
Despite being surrounded by the on-going brutal conflict, Dr. Mohammed has been steadfast in his efforts to rectify the region’s human rights crisis by serving torture victims and providing leadership in the movement for peace. He is closely monitored and criticized by the Sudanese government for his work yet he refuses to be intimidated.
Dr. Mohammed is a member of the Sudanese Center for Rights Promotion and Peace Building, whose main objectives are to prevent human rights violations, combat impunity, and promote peace and reconciliation in Darfur and Sudan as a whole. His work stands as a ripple of hope for the world.
“In Arabic, the word for doctor is Hakim. The word can also mean a wise person in the community. Someone with a wide perspective on life. Robert Kennedy in his life was a Hakim to his countrymen, leading the way in protecting the human rights of all Americans and standing up for social justice. In Darfur, my role is not just that of a doctor, but someone who must work to protect the community, uphold the human rights of the people of Darfur and work towards peace. This is my goal,” Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Abdallah.