Howard County, MD
Political Science
Expected Graduation Date
May 2026
Your go-to fun fact
I’m an only child.
Your “feel good” album
Renaissance – Beyonce
If you had to be any type of bird, what type of bird would you be?
I would be a bluebird since they represent joy, love, and hope.
What motivates you to be a changemaker in your community?
Being able to see what happens firsthand in the community often inspires me to be a change maker because I can see the impacts on everything going on. For me being so involved is motivating since I get to use my voice to have an impact and influence many people from all over and that I will be able to make a change.
My Capstone:
I want to address diversity, equality, and inclusion in the public school system and how there is a clear discrepancy of disadvantages for students of color. My capstone project will be offering a mentorship program, bridging the academic achievement gap between Black students and their white counterparts.