In a country stricken with the effects of decades of civil war, continuing violence and the violation of fundamental rights, Djiraibe, a human rights attorney and co-founder of the Chadian Association for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights, fights to protect the human rights of Chadian civilians and to prevent further environmental devastation.
Djiraibe strives to ensure that revenues received from oil are utilized to benefit the people of Chad rather than for the purchase of warfare or other military support. She has successfully lobbied the World Bank to set restrictions and conditions on spending oil revenue.
Assisting in Djiraibe’s cause, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights has developed strategies to encourage the effective and responsible dispersion of oil revenues by persuading the oil companies and the World Bank to act conscientiously, raising awareness and gaining support within the US government and establishing systems for conflict resolution.
Also with Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights assistance, Djiraibe was able to achieve a longtime dream: In May 2007 she opened the doors of the Public Interest Law Center (PILC) the first organization of its kind to provide low cost/pro bono legal services to poor Chadians.
Today, PILC has become a vital resource in the lives of Chadian women dealing with the issues they face every day: child custody, domestic violence, spousal support, rape, defamation, and wrongful termination. In addition to legal services PILC also provides “know your rights” training for women in local communities.
“Without this prize and without the support that the Robert F. Kennedy Center has given me, I would never have been able to accomplish everything that I have accomplished today.”