High School Broadcast Winner
“Homeless in the Heartland,” Kaley Prier, Savanna Steffen, John Harmon, Kara Mullen, Kelsey Williams, Caleb Brown, Cody House, Ryan Lindsey, and Breanna Feemster, Hillcrest High School, Springfield, MO
High School Print Winner
“Stop-and-Frisk: Time for a Change,” Linda Sankat and Autumn Spanne, Youth Communication, YCteen
College Journalism Winner
“A Broken Promise: Dowry Violence in India,” Varsha Ramakrishnan, Johns Hopkins Public Health Magazine
Domestic Print Winner
“Homes for the Taking: Liens, Loss and Profiteers,” Debbie Cenziper, Michael Sallah, and Steven Rich, The Washington Post
International Print Winner
“Tungsten’s Tainted Trail,” Michael Smith, Tim Culpan, Alex Webb, Anatoly Kurmanaev, Jonathan Neumann, Bloomberg Markets
Domestic Photography Winner
“Private Wars,” Rick Loomis, Los Angeles Times
International Photography Winner
“CONDEMNED: Mental Health in African Countries in Crisis,” Robin Hammond
Radio Winner
“Life After War: Coverage of Veterans,” Quil Lawrence, Bruce Auster, and Marisa Peñaloza, NPR News
New Media Winner
“Myanmar Emerges,” Thomas Mucha, Solana Pyne, David Case, Patrick Winn, and Jonah Kessel, Los Angeles Times
Cartoon Winner
“Portfolio by David Horsey,” David Horsey, Los Angeles Times
Domestic Television Winner
“Rape in the Fields/ Violación de un Sueño,” Andrés Cediel, Lowell Bergman, Lauren Rosenfeld, Bernice Yeung, Susanne Reber, Grace Rubenstein, Stephanie Mechura, Raney Aronson, Juan Rendon, and Isaac Lee, UC Berkley IRP, CIR, FRONTLNE, and Univision
International Television Winner
“Made in Bangladesh,” Anjali Kamat, Laila Al-Arian, Mathieu Skene, Warwick Meade, Tim Grucza, Andy Bowley and Fault Lines Staff, Al Jazeera