Our Voices

Lohud: New York man deported to Haiti, though he’s not a Haitian citizen, tells his story

Paul Pierrilus details his harrowing experience being deported to Haiti, despite not ever having set foot in the country, in a new Lohud report.  

RFKHR Staff Attorney Sarah Decker spoke with Lohud about Pierrilus’ situation. “The pardon could help open a pathway for Pierrilus to receive humanitarian parole because his current situation is so precarious,” Decker said. 

She added, “He’s a person deported from the United States of America, forced to live in hiding, stuck in a country that’s not his own, with limited family and network ties, and easily identifiable as American, making him a target for kidnapping and worse.”

Still Pierrilus remains hopeful. “As somebody of faith,” Pierrilus said during a Sept. 19 interview, “I believe the right thing is going to happen.”