On Wednesday, July 19, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights and the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law are co-hosting a webinar where panelists will explore the significance of the WOZA decision to the understanding and practice of promoting and protecting the right to freedom of assembly in Zimbabwe and beyond. Moreover, as Zimbabwe heads towards the December 2023 elections, attacks against civic space including the repression of assemblies are likely to increase.
The webinar provides a unique opportunity to reflect on the current state of protection for assemblies in Zimbabwe as well as to identify strategies for civil society and other actors. The webinar provides a platform for cross regional exchanges on strategies for protecting the right to freedom of assemblies during elections between civil society representatives and other actors from African and Latin American countries. Furthermore, through the discussions at the webinar, we hope to increase awareness of the WOZA decision and inspire strategic litigation in Latin America that entrenches the standards on notification and authorization enunciated in the WOZA decision.