While some investors have committed to incorporating principles of a climate Just Transition into their investment strategies and net zero plans, there is not yet a widely adopted institutional framework to guide decision-making. To bridge this gap, we at RFK Human Rights are hosting a series of roundtables over the coming months in partnership with the NYC Comptroller’s Office to convene stakeholders and experts in the climate Just Transition. These roundtables will build a robust understanding of the material issues confronting asset owners as they integrate the Just Transition into their investment decision-making processes.
In partnership with the NYC Comptroller’s Office, this roundtable will provide asset owners and the investment community with actionable insights into the multifaceted impacts of data center expansion. We will address key topics including:
- the environmental impact on local communities, including water access and increased electricity demand;
- the experiences of construction workers who are building the data centers, workers within the data centers, and those affected by the sector’s rapid expansion; and
- the perspectives of investors considering sustainability in their data center strategies.
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