Tags Share This generation did not create most of the conditions and convictions which have led us to this day, but this generation has the responsibility to resolve them. Leaders can explain and propose. But this problem will not yield to any man, even the president of the United States. It will yield only to…
Tags Share In the last five or six years, the white people have looked at the black people and said, “Look at all we have done. We passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We passed the [Voting] Rights Act of 1965.” “A Negro has been appointed to the Supreme Court. A Negro has been…
Tags Share This is the most affluent nation the world has ever known. This nation—our nation—has a food—producing capacity unrivaled in this history of the world. Yet in the midst of our great affluence, children—American children—are hungry, some to the point where their minds and bodies are damaged beyond repair. I have seen, in the…
Tags Share Last night I sent the president the following telegram: Mr. President: First of all, let me say that I fervently hope that your new efforts for peace in Vietnam will succeed. Your decision regarding the presidency subordinates self to country and is truly magnanimous. I respectfully and earnestly request an opportunity to visit…
Tags Share If there is one overriding reality in this country, it is that we must resist any erosion of a sense of national decency. Make no mistake: Decency is at the heart of the matter—and at the heart of this campaign. Poverty is indecent. Illiteracy is indecent. The death or maiming of brave young…
Tags Share Let me say this is a very distressing time—there are some very disturbing matters which I feel must be explored and remedied here in the Indian community. The Indian is our First Citizen. The nurturing and emboldening of the young Indian’s mind should be a priority to all of us here in America……
Tags Share Surrounded as we are by a crisis in Vietnam, civil strife in our great cities, and a division among our people, which often erupt in dramatic forms, it is easy to overlook the most profound crisis of all: the unprecedented and perilous drift of American society away from some of its most treasured…
Tags Share We speak as citizens of the same nation, joined by a common history, heartened by common success, troubled by common concerns. And I have come here to Alabama to talk with you of the hope which binds us together as Americans; and to ask you for your help. For America’s successes were not…
Tags Share When we are told to forego all dissent and division, we must ask: Who is it that is truly dividing the country? It is not those who call for change; it is those who make present policy who divide our country; those who bear the responsibility for our present course; those who have…
Tags Share I have seen these other Americans—I have seen children in Mississippi starving, their bodies so crippled by hunger; and their minds have been so destroyed for their whole life that they will never have no future. I have seen children in Mississippi—here in the United States, with a gross national product of eight…
Tags Share I am…glad to come to the home state of a…Kansan who wrote, “If our colleges and universities do not breed men who riot, who rebel, who attack life with all the youthful vision and vigor, then there is something wrong with our colleges. The more riots that come on college campuses, the better…
Tags Share I am announcing today my candidacy for the presidency of the United States. I do not run for the presidency merely to oppose any man but to propose new policies. I run because I am convinced that this country is on a perilous course and because I have such strong feelings about what…