It is virtually impossible for even the most alert administration to be fully aware of all the corruption or laxity that can creep into our government. But an alert press can make a major difference not only in eliminating wasteful or corrupt practices, but in ensuring that justice prevails.
In our society, laws are administered to protect and expand individual freedom, not to compel individuals to follow the logic other men impose on them.
As long as a man is handicapped before the bar of justice because of his poverty, our task as lawyers is not done.
Legal services, particularly defense in criminal cases, are not like houses or automobiles where those with more money can buy better products without affecting the basic functioning of society. When one defendant cannot afford a complete defense, justice is being rationed.
We are dedicated to the proposition that liberty and law are inseparable; that we truly believe social progress strengthens and enlarges freedom.
The future is not a gift: it is an achievement. Every generation helps make its own future. This is the essential challenge of the present.
This country has really been built on the foundation that the government doesn’t do everything; that the neighbor helps his neighbor.
Delinquency is a broad problem and demands a broad attack. Educational programs, job opportunities, recreational facilities, adult counseling
We must always remember that delinquency does not just happen. It has causes, and these causes can be attacked. Some of the greatest sources of this problem are family disintegration, slum housing, lack of recreation facilities, racial discrimination, school failure and school dropouts, and youth unemployment.
Some people in the world today do not see law as the instrument of freedom and justice. Too frequently the whole tradition of stare decisis appears to tie the law to the status quo; and a written Constitution means little to a man who cannot remember his last meal and does not know where his…
It is the ideal of freedom which underlies our great concern for civil rights. Nations around the world look to us for leadership not merely by strength of arms but by the strength of our convictions. We not only want, but we need, the free exercise of rights by every American. We need the strength…
We know that freedom has many dimensions. It is the right of the man who tills the land to own the land; the right of the workers to join together to seek better conditions of labor;