Answers founded on clear and dispassionate thought must be matched to action rooted in conviction and a passionate desire to reshape the world.
Education, the rebirth of rural America, recapturing this nation for individual and community effort—these are great visions, the heart of the task that lies ahead of all of us— Easterners and Westerners, men of the city and men of the farm.
In such a fantastic and dangerous world—we will not find answers in old dogmas, by repeating outworn slogans, or fighting on ancient battlegrounds against fading enemies long after the real struggle has moved on.
Even as in the drive toward bigness and concentration, the city has reached heights never before dreamt of in the past, we have come suddenly to realize how heavy a price we have paid
There is simply not enough room in the big cities; and it is not more bigness that should be our goal. We must attempt, rather, to bring people
Tags Share Even as the drive toward bigness [and] concentration…has reached heights never before dreamt of in the past, we have come suddenly to realize how heavy a price we have paid; in overcrowding and pollution of the atmosphere, and impersonality; in growth of organizations, particularly government, so large and powerful that individual effort and…