Our newspapers must be free to report every facet of American life for this is not only a freedom guaranteed to them but a guarantee of freedom for all Americans.
We are coming to understand that much of what is wrong with our education system is precisely that it is too much involved with government. Impersonal bureaucracies, however well-intentioned, operating from efficient remote headquarters, are no substitute for the intimate involvement of community—of home or church, of local voluntary association, and—in the last analysis—the active…
Our schools, our homes, our families, our churches—these are the vessels in which we preserve traditions and wisdom and ideals of our past, in which we add the experience and insights which best serve our time, through which we pass our truest legacy to our children.
What is our educational commitment? In principle, our commitment has been that every child should have an adequate education. But if we mean our commitment
The commitment of young people, I believe, is our greatest resource.
We must reach out as well to those who have been passed by in the past—those already out of school, the fathers and mothers of young children, the unemployed and the abandoned of this entire nation.