Separation of Employment

When employment ends, dignity should be honored through clear communications that prioritize empathy and appreciation, sensitivity to the remaining team, and exit processes that consider departing employees to be future ambassadors.

Dignity can be centered even when the employment relationship is ending.

When employment comes to an end, the organization can honor dignity through straightforward and transparent communication that prioritizes empathy, nondisparagement, mindfulness of the remaining team, and thoughtful exit interview/processes that are open, safe, and designed to leverage authentically sought feedback. Former employees can also be helpful brand ambassadors; don’t squander that opportunity by implementing a poorly executed process.

The key organizational functions that play a role:

  • Human resources generalist/business partner

  • Employee relations

  • Management teams

  • Communications teams

  • Inclusion and diversity teams

What the organization can do: Actions

1. Audit practices, communications, and forms to ensure that they advance dignity.

2. Prioritize the impact on employees when layoffs, furloughs, or other large-scale terminations become necessary.

3. Focus on remaining employees on the team.

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